Pokemon Cards for the Kingdom

May 27, 2022


by Abigail James, JV Club

“Jenna” LOVES Pokemon Cards. So did I when I was in middle school. We had read the Bible together before, so I suggested we hangout again. I told her she could look at my Pokemon Card collection and take what she wants, then we could read the Bible again. But when I showed up to the City Life Center to do so, Jenna had unexpectedly brought her cousin “Holly” along to look at the cards as well.

Holly hasn’t been to JV Club in months, and when she did come she was very distractible. But this day was different. When we read the story of Jesus meeting the adulterous woman she paid attention. Her jaw dropped when she realized you can’t go to Heaven if you’re a sinner. She listened closely and asked lots of questions about Jesus’ death and His payment for our sins. And after reading Romans 10:9 with me she said she wanted that.

We prayed together, and then sat in silence for a moment as she spoke to God in her heart. Holly is now our sister in Christ! And I didn’t even know I was going to see her that day! I plan to keep hanging out and reading with Jenna and now Holly. Praise God for His good plan, and for my Pokemon Cards finally making an impact for the Kingdom!