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Equip Skills Center

Helping Teens Learn to Thrive

Students learning automotive skills at the Equip Skills Center.


Monika Hahn



Job and Life Skills for Young People

Young people in underserved areas struggle to learn relevant job and life skills. They may have the desire, but often not the opportunity. The Equip Skills Center was established to meet this need. Our team of volunteer mechanics teach skills in auto mechanics at no charge to any youth who desires to learn. The instruction is technical, but the relational time with our volunteers yields invaluable lessons as well. Perhaps you have the talents and time to help. See below for how you can support the work of the Equip Skills Center.

Classes held at two locations:

Equip Skills Center North - 620 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214.

Equip Skills Center West - 40 Chicago Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43222

See What We Do

A Chip Off the Old (Engine) Block

Many Opportunities to Explore at the ESC!

student learning to fix car