Sharing Christ on the East Side

Helping Teens Feel Heard, Seen and Valued

Connecting teenagers with caring adults and communicating the life-changing message of Jesus Christ is a passion of Youth for Christ and the City Life effort on the Eastside. Eastside City Life serves high school youth through weekly club meetings, Bible studies, service trips, camp outings, and more. For more information contact Joel Fether at

From Our Newsletter

Can't Wait for the Rest of This Story!

When “Rece” started coming to City Life, he did not have a personal faith in Jesus or seem particularly interested in one. But lately, he seemed different. He started answering questions during Bible discussions and making eye contact with his group leader. He even started volunteering to read verses during Bible study. Then one night at Club, after a discussion about the Gospel and the Holy Spirit, Rece said that he had prayed to receive Christ a couple of weeks earlier at City Life. Though we suspected that he may have done so, the leader wanted to be sure, so she asked some follow up questions:

“What did you do?”
“I prayed the prayer.”
“What prayer?”
“You know -- the prayer!”

For the longest time Rece was disinterested and even hostile to the gospel. Did something happen in his life that helped him see the gospel message in a new light? Did the Holy Spirit simply take the veil from his eyes? We can’t wait to hear the rest of the story!

Join the Fun

Our Activities


Girls Bible Study
Monday 6:30 p.m.

Guys Bible Study
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Location:
Christ United Methodist Church
1480 Zettler Rd.
Columbus, OH 43227

Joel Fether, Ministry Leader

man mentoring boy

Want to Serve?

Here's How You Can Invest in the Teens

High School Club Leader
High School Club Driver
Small Group Bible Study Leader
Set-up Crew for High School Club
Provide Food for Club meetings

Contact Joel Fether if you would like more information -- Or click the button below to start the application process.

Uncover Hope for Eastside Teens