Protect Your Legacy

Make a Will

As you know, our team at Central Ohio Youth for Christ is passionate about inviting teens to create a future with God. In that spirit, we want to introduce a resource to help you plan for your future and protect your loved ones: a free tool to write your Will.

Write a Free Will

Everyone needs a Will: it’s an essential task to complete, no matter your age or the size of your estate, and helps to protect what God has blessed you with. Writing a Will can help:

  • Assign guardians for children and pets
  • Make a plan about who will receive family heirlooms, real estate, or other possessions
  • Make a powerful legacy and help you spread the love of Christ, forever

Unfortunately, only 30% of adults say they have an up-to-date Will. And many people avoid making a Will for various reasons.

Here are some common misconceptions when it comes to making a Will.

  • MYTH – Wills are only important if you have a lot of money or property.
  • FACT – Wills are important regardless of your wealth. It also helps to protect your children, your pets, and your legacy — while saving your loved ones stress and uncertainty.
  • MYTH – My family knows what I want, so I don’t need a Will.
  • FACT – Your family does not get to make decisions for you if you don’t write them down; the government does, and often slowly while costing money from your estate.
  • MYTH – Writing a Will is a long, complicated, and expensive process.
  • FACT – Through COYFC’s FreeWill, you can fill out, download, and print your Will for free in less than 20 minutes.

Tom Aakhus, YFC’s Legacy Giving Coach, is passionate about helping people honor their loved ones and maximize their lasting impact through a Will. If you would like personalized help, Tom will work with you one-to-one to help you with this process. He can meet with you in person or via Zoom.

Tom Aakhus: or 614-441-7998.

If you’d like to learn more about all of COYFC’s Estate Design Services, please visit our LEGACY GIVING WEBSITE.